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Kamis, 21 Mei 2009

Save the Earth with the shut Computers

Without realizing, the various electrical equipment that we have, in fact spend a large amount of energy. In fact, we sometimes underestimate the use of electronic equipment such as televisions, lights, or computers.

That this last, even if often in a position already stand by or hibernate, we are already off. In fact, in the case, the computer is actually still need electricity, although konsumsinya very small. However, because this is small, we acapkali mengacuhkannya. But, we sadarkah, only with the death, in a position really off, we have to save energy in such a big?

If you are unsure, center the fact that the research was compiled from Rakesh Kumar and Lars Mieritz this from Gartner. According to their research, the use of a computer that turns out to be ringleader of energy dissipation. They examine some of the device electronics. In testing the tool, the contributor of carbon emissions that could accelerate global warming ranked first fact is the computer. The number reached 40 percent. While ranking second with 23 percent is the number of data centers, and the next ranking system fixed telecommunications network.

This is more of the fact that expressed by Kevin Klustner, CEO of Verdiem, a company monitoring and management of energy. According to the results of studies, consumption of electricity for the computer in the world to reach 80 billion kWh each year. And, you know? In fact, about two per tiganya or equal to U.S. $ 5.4 billion, terbuang futile. Very not be pitied?

Therefore, according to Klustner, just turn off the computer when not being used, could potentially save 100 million kWh, reducing 61,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide that contaminate the atmosphere. A certain, this will have positive impact for the environment. So, we start sanggupkah at this time to a computer off when not in use?

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Global Warming

Since know about climate science, scientists have studied that appeared in Earth's climate is always changing. From the study of ice time in the past show that weather can change by itself, and changed drastically. What is it? Meteor fall? Variations hot sun? Mountain cloud burst which caused the smoke? Changes in wind direction due to changes in the structure of the Earth faces the sea and flow? Or because the composition of the air change? Or the other?

Until the 19th century on the new, the study on the climate began to know about the actual gas in the atmosphere, referred to as greenhouse gases, which can affect climate on Earth. What are greenhouse gases?

In fact that was known as' greenhouse gases', is an effect, where the molecule-molecule in the atmosphere we provide as a greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases alone, should be the natural effect is to maintain the temperature at the Earth permukaaan normal temperature, about 30 ° C, or if not, then of course there will be no life in the face of this Earth.

In the years around 1820, found that fathers Fourier atmosphere that can be very diterobos (permeable) by the sun light into the surface of Earth, but not all the light that emanated to the surface of the Earth that can dipantulkan out, infra-red radiation, which should terpantul stuck, with the Therefore the Earth atmosphere trap heat (the principle greenhouse).

Thirty years later, Mr. Tyndall found that types of gases trap heat that is mainly carbon-dioxide and water vapor, and the molecule-molecule, which eventually was named as a greenhouse gas, as we know it now. Arrhenius and then show that if the concentration of carbon-dioxide dilipatgandakan, the increase in surface temperature to be very significant.

Since the discovery of Fourier, Tyndall and Arrhenius, the scientists understand how the greenhouse gases absorb radiation, allows to make a better calculation for the concentration of greenhouse gases and increasing temperatures. If the concentration of carbon-dioxide dilipatduakan only, then the temperature can be increased up to 1 ° C.

However, the atmosphere is not simply a model calculation, the fact is the increase of temperature can be more than 1 ° C due to factors such as, a course, change the number of clouds, reflection of heat between different land and sea, changes in moisture contents in the air, the surface changes Earth, either because of land clearing, changes in the surface, or causes the other, because the natural and human acts. Evidence indicates that there is, the atmosphere that have become more heat, the atmosphere with the store more moisture, and store more heat, warming strengthening of the standard calculation.

Since 2001, studies on global climate dynamics indicate that most do not, the world has experienced more warming of 3 ° C since the pre-industrial era, if only it can press the concentration of greenhouse gases so stable at 430 ppm CO2e (ppm = part per million = one million per ekivalen CO2 - which states the ratio of the amount of molecular gas CO2 per one million air dry). That, since 1900, the Earth has experienced warming of 0.7 ° C.

Then, if the heating occurs, as it is called, which was then known as global warming, (or a term popular in the English language, as we call Global Warming): Is a natural phenomenon that is not avoided? Or there is a reason that signfikan, so it became 'popular' like this now? Was it because Al Gore with the film "An Inconvenient Truth" that global warming popularize? Of course, not simply that.

Need to work together internationally to be able to say that the man who became the main cause of the occurrence of global warming. Reports IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) in 2007, shows that the average global human activity since the 1750 cause of warming. Changes in abundance of greenhouse gases and aerosols due to sun radiation and the entire surface of the Earth affect the climate system's energy balance. In magnitude as Radiative Forcing as a means of measuring whether the global climate be hot or cold (red represent positive values or cause to be more warm, and of the blue), it was found that due to human activities-lah (antropogenik) which is the main supporter of a global warming

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Dampak Global Warming

Perubahan cuaca dan lautan dapat berupa peningkatan temperatur secara global (panas) yang dapat mengakibatkan munculnya penyakit-penyakit yang berhubungan dengan panas (heat stroke) dan kematian, terutama pada orang tua, anak-anak dan penyakit kronis. Temperatur yang panas juga dapat menyebabkan gagal panen sehingga akan muncul kelaparan dan malnutrisi. Perubahan cuaca yang ekstrem dan peningkatan permukaan air laut akibat mencairnya es di kutub utara dapat menyebabkan penyakit-penyakit yang berhubungan dengan bencana alam (banjir, badai dan kebakaran) dan kematian akibat trauma. Timbulnya bencana alam biasanya disertai dengan perpindahan penduduk ke tempat-tempat pengungsian dimana sering muncul penyakit, seperti: diare, malnutrisi, defisiensi mikronutrien, trauma psikologis, penyakit kulit, dan lain-lain.

Pergeseran ekosistem dapat memberi dampak pada penyebaran penyakit melalui air (Waterborne diseases) maupun penyebaran penyakit melalui vektor (vector-borne diseases). Mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi? Kita ambil contoh meningkatnya kejadian Demam Berdarah. Nyamuk Aedes aegypti sebagai vektor penyakit ini memiliki pola hidup dan berkembang biak pada daerah panas. Hal itulah yang menyebabkan penyakit ini banyak berkembang di daerah perkotaan yang panas dibandingkan dengan daerah pegunungan yang dingin. Namun dengan terjadinya Global Warming, dimana terjadi pemanasan secara global, maka daerah pegunungan pun mulai meningkat suhunya sehingga memberikan ruang (ekosistem) baru untuk nyamuk ini berkembang biak.

Degradasi Lingkungan yang disebabkan oleh pencemaran limbah pada sungai juga berkontribusi pada waterborne diseases dan vector-borne disease. Ditambah pula dengan polusi udara hasil emisi gas-gas pabrik yang tidak terkontrol selanjutnya akan berkontribusi terhadap penyakit-penyakit saluran pernafasan seperti asma, alergi, coccidiodomycosis, penyakit jantung dan paru kronis, dan lain-lain.

Demikian besar pengaruh pemanasan global terhadap kesehatan kita. Masihkah kita menutup mata terhadap semua ancaman ini? Lets take action now!

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global warming, time bomb of world

One phrase alone, global warming. The term of the day the more familiar in our ears. We can easily find that term here and there, in all kinds of information media, whether radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and so forth. Almost every day we can meet the terms. Organisasia-organization of the world also memprbincangkan flare problem. Indeed, whether global warming is?

Literally, means that the global world, in general, or overall, while the warming means that the heating process is in progress, so we can simpulkan that the understanding of the term global warming is word by word or letter is a process of heating the ongoing world.

Global warming may be caused by the accumulation of various gas emissions filth called greenhouse gases in the atmosfer.Golongan greenhouse gases or gases consists of carbon dioxide gas, metana, nitrogen oxide, sulfur oxide, and the like. Gas is a gas-gas emissions from burning fossil fuels such as gasoline, diesel fuel, and coal is made by people with machines that are less environmentally friendly so that buangannya contain gas emissions greenhouse gases.

The process of global warming itself is not separated from the industrial revolution and the greenhouse effect. In the times before the industrial revolution in the world, be calculated gas in the atmosphere is relatively clean with a CO2 level that is still in normal limits. But the long run going after the industrial revolution and technological progress increasingly rapid, the machines were created and start the day, more and more machines that use fossil fuels as energy sources. Indeed, the ease of human life thanks to the machines that are extremely large. For example for the machine that allows the vehicle we travel, the machines in production in factories, and other machinery. However, when the machines are used, requires a source of energy from fossil fuels to burn. It's burning, of course there is energy generated at the same time the results side, the gases out the most structured of the greenhouse gases that have been mentioned previously. Of machines which is very much in each of the greenhouse gases were released to the atmosphere, long-run gas is gas akan terakumulasi in the amount of which is very much in the earth's atmosphere. Accumulation of gases that reflect heat that cause the earth to an effect called the greenhouse effect or greenhouse gases.

This greenhouse effect occurs when the hot sun that reaches earth dipantulkan back to the atmosphere to go to space but the accumulation of greenhouse gases by dipantulkan it back to earth, and this happens repeatedly, so the result is the temperature at the earth's heat increases, as happened in greenhouse is used as a means of plant breeding. This increase in temperature of the earth often we know the term "Global Warming". Greenhouse effect is worsened with the continued increase in accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of the earth because trees absorb the function of carbon dioxide or CO2 is the main component of greenhouse gases due to the fewer number of forest destruction, logging of trees up to the building, illegal logging, switching fields, and so forth .

Can we imagine if we made the earth a place to stay is only slowly terpanaskan by global warming. The most significant effect that can be observed at this time is melelehnya ice layers on the surface of the earth. Ice layers at the top of the mountain and at the poles is reduced dramatically. Lelehan ice is flowing to the sea surface so that the sea water rose little by little. The development of the last increase in surface sea water is 0.6 meters each year. If every year the sea surface water level increase of 0.6 meters while the top surface of the earth is about eight thousand meters. Viewing these facts, we can estimate what might happen in the perdaban and where our children and grandchildren live a few hundred years or even several decades to come. Are we just going to stay silent?

Of course not. We have to climb a way to eliminate or at least reduce the consequences of this global warming. The easiest ways is to reduce the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of the earth with penyerapnya propagate, namely trees. The Indonesian Government has a program "Tanam Thousand Trees" and forest improvement as the form of real efforts to reduce greenhouse gases this. Only participate with a donated tree planted next to, we have participated stop tap time bomb that could destroy the earth perdaban.

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